Adam Magazine (Vintage adult magazine, Feb 1981)
Rotsler, William, and Ed Mendel, Siwer Ohlsson, Tracy Cabot, Paul Miller, Freddy Franklin, Bo Hunter, Janet Cook, Jerry Stout (contributors)
Los Angeles, CA: Knight Publishing, 1981. V25 N2, February 1981. B/W/Color throughout, 107pp; distributed by All America Distributors Corp (AADC??). Vintage adult magazine featuring softcore layouts by Ohlsson, including popular buxom model Joyce Gibson 8pp, w/ Karen Brown & Joanne Latham ads. Orgies, Stan Dale interview, swinging, "Jungle Goddess" comics, Christopher Reeve, clits, Cannes, amateur photos/personals, Anna Bergman on Bjorn Borg (plus cover), Roni & Terry gal pals. Remainder, w/ title banner stripped. Price notations to cover. Lisa De Leeuw [Deleeuw] poster not present. [Book ID: 125953] [Magazines]