Capital Publications, Ltd. (10 vintage adult magazines, 1956-57)
London, UK: Capital Publications, 1956-57. Capital Publications Ltd. (UK). Most circa 1956-57, 4.75 x 6.75 inches. B/W throughout, ~32pp. Very Good Plus. Ten vintage British digest pin-up magazines (nude w/ airbrush), featuring photographs of European models taken by European photographers, including Serge Jacques and Stanley Long. Capital was one of the prolific "model studies" publishers in the UK, with close to 40 different titles, all printed on good stock, semi-gloss, with varied and eye-catching wrapper designs. Each title was published weekly beginning roughly in 1956 and ending in 1957. Similar to the "proto-porn, figure studies" US digests. Several issues were one-shots. Included: CAPTIVE - figure studies of attractive ladies w/ props, and NOT, as the title suggests, of bondage REGARDEZ - girls at windows & on beds L'ANGE - Stanley Long, including lots of kneeling ladies MYSTERE - very cute & buxom model ACE OF BEAUTY - attractive ladies, some w/ props, in high contrast, by Stanley Long EGO - attractive ladies w/ props, including the infamous French model Hayde (also featured on "MIDINETTE") NATURELLE - Paula Craig throughout, shot by Stanley Long of London MYSTIC - Rosina Revelle, popular buxom model and house favorite PANDORA - posed figure studies, including exotic-looking ladies UNADORNED - indoor, posed figure studies, girls in masks [Book ID: 125580] [Magazines]