Lo Scheletro [The Skeleton] (2 vintage Italian adult comics, 1973, 1976)
Barbieri, Renzo (dir.) Milan, Italy: Edifumetto, 1973, 1976. Two adult b/w 100+pp. digest comics, essentially adult graphic novels, w/ dialogue in word balloons in Italian. Features The Skeleton, macabre tales of graverobbing, ghouls, & lovemaking. Italian comics boast some of the finest, & weirdest, cover art of the period, but often the artists went uncredited. Began 1970s, lasted maybe a decade, little known of this series. Scarce in the US especially. Festa di morte a bradborne (Bradborn Death Party) - N6, 1973. Bound beauty in cemetery w/ skeleton; Reincarnazion melefica (Evil Reincarnate) - N17, 1976. Knife-wielding ghoul, topless blonde. All issues VG+, light foxing/rubbing. [Book ID 125515] [Graphic Novels and Comics (CM)]