Man's Adventure (Vintage adult magazine, 1971)
Hecht, Theodore S., and Greg Jackson, Alan Corbey, Alan Weinstein, Monte Ingber, Anya Tulchin, John Parker, Penny Reed, Eli Ginsburg (editorial); Gene Channing, C.E. Ames, Lorne Thompson, Charles Hughes, Vincent D'Ajaccio, Harvey berman (contributors)
Man's Adventure (Vintage adult magazine, 1971)
New York: Morse Communication Systems, 1971. V10 N4, September 1971; distributed by Kable News, B/W throughout, 66pp, 50 cents cover price, saddle-stapled. Vintage adult magazine devoted to military stories & personalities, adventure & true crime, propaganda, nude pinup photography. Related to other Stanley publications, like Battle Cry and Men's Pleasure.
Uncredited cover, National Radio Institute rear cover. Medicine, 1943 war fiction, sex crimes, headhunting islanders, Janine Hendriks outdoors 4pp, Oriental harem, vice girls, courier fiction, ads (Mark Jewelers, Lili St. Cyr lingerie,Tijuana Bibles, love dolls, cassettes, Arnold Schwarzenegger & Betty Brosmer for Joe Weider 2).
Good, 1pp loose, ink to front toning, roll. [Book ID 126309] [Magazines]