Photo Life (Vintage digest pinup magazine, first issue, Oct 1958)
Meyer, Russ (contributor)
New York: Lux Publications, October 1958. V1 N1, OCT 1958. Distributed by PDC. B/W/Color throughout, 134pp. Short-lived but epic non-nude pin-up digest magazine devoted to celebrities, vice, truce crime, swimsuit models, burlesque, loaded w/ photographs & great models. Similar to FOTORAMA, EYE, TAB, VUE, etc., w/ color foldouts. Likely this first issue featured photos by house favorite Russ Meyer, w/ lots of Meyer models & style throughout. First issue! Donald Jordan cover, Janet Leigh, house favorite camera club girl Marlyn Maher, escape artist Randi, Mike Todd & Elizabeth Taylor, Julianna Darlene dances outdoors, flying saucers, Nona Van Tosh, hiccups, air rescues, Jayne Mansfield alyout/color foldout (reverse is B/W Diane Webber!), Sunset Blvd. parties, ribald classic, German-Japanese Laya Raki & hubby, Dead Sea Scrolls, Lynn Turner, Jimmy Dean, Renata Klee, Kurt Vonnegut's brother Bernard, Greta Thyssen, cute Cheryl Kubert. Cartoons by Clown. Very Good Plus. [Book ID 125488] [Magazines]