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Silky (3 vintage British adult digest magazines, Ann Austin features, 1950s)

Silky (3 vintage British adult digest magazines, Ann Austin features, 1950s)

SKU: 126049

Silky (3 vintage British adult digest magazines, Ann Austin features, 1950s)


London, UK: Peter Deacon / Ben's Books, 1950s. Three vintage British adult digest magazines, featuring B/W photographic layouts of seminude women in heels, hose, & garters, vaguely promoted as "figure study" manuals for the aspiring photographer; a hint of airbrushing. 


Two issues feature house favorite British brunette Ann Austin, a popular model at the time of publication, immense dimensions 5'10'' 41-25-37. A powerfully shaped woman w/ equally powerful seduction.


First issue circa 1955, by issue 5 production moved from Du Cane Road in London, to Clarendon Road, w/ different printers. Ben's Books, the primary publisher after issue 5, also sold risqué photos, medical books, similar digests "Strip" & "Satin," several "case-study" texts.


Similar to US digests (Garter Parade) featuring same models, from Leonard Burtman, whose endless network of smut peddlers included dealings w/ kingpin Reuben Sturman; also w/ similarity to leg-fetish digests published mid 1960s by Elmer Batters, a Parliament News regular contributor. Each issue featured models previewed on the covers. Presumed less than 25 issues produced. Photographers/models uncredited,but British glamour guy Harrison Marks, or French leg-fetishist Roland Jacques, come to mind.


[V1 N4] cover blonde Lisa in blue heels, brunette Rosaleigh, slender blonde against black backdrop, buxom brunette in mirror, Sally at dressing table, rear cover blonde Pat on leopard print; [V1 N5] cover brunette & couch, Ann Austin w/ sword & on striped couch 8pp, dirty blonde on couch, blonde Paula Page 1pp, Sally & Lisa from N4; [V1 N6] Ann Austin cover/8pp striped couch, blonde undressing, corsets, bedside brunette, blonde w/ Siamese cat, brunette from cover N5. 


4.5 x 6.75 inches (#4 slightly taller), 48pp per (#5, 44pp), saddle-stapled, color wrapper. Very Good overall, rubbing, staple rust, light creases, short tears; wrapper detached (N5). Owner notations over airbrushing,"highlighting" genitalia" (N4). 


Steve Sullivan, "Glamour Girls:The Illustrated Encyclopedia," 1999. [Book ID 126049] [Magazines]


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