Snap (Vintage adult magazine, 1962)
Burnell, Robert, and Martin Weisse, Michael Richards (editors); Soren Kirk, Hall Annas, David Barton, Gus Reading, Jackson Polling, Arthur Fabian (contributors); Bill Edwards, Chet Collom (art)
Snap (Vintage adult magazine, 1962)
N. Hollywood, CA: American Art Agency, 1962. V2 N3, 1962. B/W/Duochrome throughout, 78pp, distributed by Parliament News. Vintage adult magazine devoted to seminude models, fiction/illustration, human sexuality articles, cartoons, film stills, featuring several nature layouts. Possibly Elmer Batters, Keith Bernard, or Ron Vogel worked for AAA at this time. Snap presumably began in 1950s, at least 7 vols. 1960s. Uncredited front panel model, Jeannie Mack w/ clarinet rear panel.
Blonde Chris aka Cindy Carter w/ kitten 6pp, brunette Carol McBea, Bill Edwards illus. (2x), Sequin Garner as Gamine 3pp, Chet Collom 2pp illus., Babette Bardot as Danielle w/ stud 6pp, the Waltz, blonde Melody w/ marionette, Alicyn Sanborne as Robin 2pp, Dennis illus., Margo outdoors, beach trio, Cory outdoors, Cookie at beach, record shop nudes, Debbie w/ umbrella 4pp. Lacking 39-42pp (Sanborne layout/center).
Good, insect chews, creases, edge rubbing/stress. Uncommon issue. [Book ID 126005] [Magazines]