Tyler: Memoirs of a White Slaver (6 Vintage Paperbacks)
Merrick, Geoffrey
Tyler: Memoirs of a White Slaver (6 Vintage Paperbacks)
Los Angeles, CA: HOM Inc., 1987. First Editions, paperback originals, 12mo softcover, $3.95 cover price, 190pp, perfect-bound, color wrappers, Robert Bishop cover art. 6 vintage paperbacks, adult erotic novels featuring B/D/S/M fetish themes. Bishop's trademark high-contrast reality startles throughout the series, with a linear narrative of an ex-slave owner on the run from his former criminal employers; series ran 1985-91, later issues with blue wrappers. Author Merrick wrote little else. Very Good Plus overall, all with light rubbing, a few with brief creases, all Remainder (1 clip, 5 stamps). For consenting, mature audiences. Titles: Slaves to Rock 'N' Roll (1), Ropedance (2), Corporate Captives (4), Bondage University (5), Cult Captives (7), Balls and Chains (8). From the estate of Andrew J. Offutt, noted science-fiction, fantasy, and underground erotica writer.