Slave Mistress (Vintage Adult Paperback)
The Woman Thing, Innocence, Darling (Vintage Adult Paperbacks)
Anal Astronaut / Anal Planet (2 Vintage Paperbacks)
The Bruiser (Vintage Paperback)
Aunt Donna, Do Me! (Vintage Paperback)
Must You Conform? [with] The Revolutionist's Handbook (2 Vintage Paperbacks)
Dope, Inc. (Vintage Paperback)
For the Witch, a Stone (Vintage Adult Paperback)
The Gas (Vintage Adult Paperback)
Love Addict (Signed Vintage Adult Paperback)
Pucker Power, Skin Flick Stud, The Velvet Touch (5 vintage adult paperbacks)
All (4 vintage adult paperbacks)
Christy Canyon (Vintage pinup trading cards)
Photo and Body / Studio Art (3 vintage adult pinup digest magazines)
Pocket Proto-Porn (6 vintage adult pinup digest magazines)
Mehoopany Players Slides (Vintage photograph)
The Argosy Book of Sports Stories (First Edition)
Sexology Today (vintage adult digest magazine)