T-R Press (4 Vintage Paperbacks, 1969)
Sweeter Gwen (First Edition, c. 1963)
Jasmin's Predicament (First Edition, 1962)
Bondage Enthusiasts Bound in Leather, Vol. 3 (First Edition, 1961)
Bondage Enthusiasts Bound in Leather, Vol. 4 (First Edition, 1961)
Bondage Terror at Women's Prison, Vol. 1 (First Edition, 1961)
Foto-rama (Vintage adult magazine, December 1966)
Secret Agent of Terra / The Rim of Space (First Edition, Offutt's copy, 1962)
The Mad King (Vintage paperback, Offutt's copy, 1960s)
The Land that Time Forgot (Vintage paperback, Offutt's copy, 1960s)
King Kull (First Edition, Andrew J. Offutt's copy, 1967)
Reality Forbidden / Contraband from Otherspace (First Edition, 1967)
"To Be a King" (Original carbon typescript, 1960s)
French Fun (Vintage digest magazine, premiere issue, Summer 1967)
Analog, Galaxy, If, Worlds of Tomorrow (25 magazines, Offutt copies, 1951-83)
The Real Thing (First Edition)
Flagellation, leather, breast fetish (107 original photographs, 1960s)
Nugget (10 vintage adult magazines, 1956-80)